Student views

Lauren Howe,
Huddersfield Law School, Placed Fourth in 2014 National Competition
I was fortunate enough to take part in the Client
Interviewing Competition as a first year. This was a daunting task as I
didn’t think I knew any law, and I certainly hadn’t covered the area of
law that was the focus of the competition that year (commercial).
I am so glad that I did take part. It turned out
that the majority of the competition revolved around your skills as a
communicator and on getting information from a client. I also received
very positive feedback for considering practical solutions as well as
legal ones -things like speaking to Trading Standards or offering
compromises to the other side. I was in a team with a third year student
who knew rather a lot more law than I did. This meant that not only did
I learn a fair bit along the way (which helped in subsequent years) but
I also made a good friend. Our friendship was invaluable working through
my degree as she understood what I was going through.
I was amazed to not only make it through the
regional competitions but to place in the national finals. I have kept
in touch with several competitors and mentors from the competition.
Networking is a massive part of law and is something that you cannot
start too early!
Client interviewing has been something that
employers have been very interested in and have discussed this with me
at length. Communication and the ability to encourage a client to
confide in you is one of the most important parts of being a lawyer and
the value of taking part in this competition is immeasurable. It
improved my self-confidence, my self-awareness and provided an
incomparable opportunity.
I can honestly say it was one of the best
experiences I have had.

Dominic Griffin,
Sussex Law School, 2014
National Champions and international
participant (currently trainee solicitor at Macfarlanes)
I had a great time with the Client Interviewing
Competition. I paired up with a friend during the final year of my law
degree and we both enjoyed it hugely.
The competition itself was a great opportunity to
meet other students from around the country, and the day had a really
positive atmosphere. We were lucky enough to win and so a trip to Puerto
Rico for the international finals was a great diversion before studying
for our final exams!
The competition was a lot of fun, but it also
helped me to develop a lot of the soft skills that employers look for. I
enjoyed the whole interview process: the niceties around ensuring that a
client is comfortable and happy to discuss their issue, questioning them
and unpicking their statements to drive at the truth of the situation,
and devising a solution that has their best legal and commercial
interests at its core. These are important skills for lawyers, as they
need to be able to engage with clients and understand their priorities.
I also found that it helped me to keep the practical side of the law in
mind during my studies.
My involvement with the competition not only
helped me make the most of my final year, it also played a big part in
securing a training contract. Being able to demonstrate an ability to
work with clients and provide creative solutions, all while under
pressure, is a strong asset to have and one that employers value.
Because of this, and because of how much I
enjoyed the whole experience, I would highly recommend the competition
to any student.