See a discussion on assessment criteria
Members of the Training Group discuss the competition's assessment criteria (2022).

Faculty Advisers can access more materials on the Teaching Resources page.
Rules (2024)
Assessment Criteria
What skills do I need?
CIC Student Blog produced by Amy Bell (Sunderland law student and runner up 2017)
2017 sample roles
Training Day roles: Anderson, Bucket, Caldwell, Dent
Videos and articles
Oxford Brookes team at 2010
International Client Consultation Competition: Part 1, 2, 3 and 4.
See materials at International Client Consultation Competition website.
Graham Robson: How Client Interviewing Skills Can Raise the Stakes LSG 2015
Clark Cunningham: The Client's Perspective on the Initial Interview (2001)
Law Society: Client Information Requirements (2019) (account required)
Bastress, R and Harbaugh, J Interviewing, Counselling and Negotiation (Little Brown, 1990)
Binder, D and Price, S Legal Interviewing and Counseling (West Publishing, 1977)
Binder D, Bergman P & Price S Lawyers as Counsellors: A Client-Centered Approach (West Publishing, 1991)
Chapman, J Interviewing and Counselling (Cavendish, 1993)
Clawar, S You and your clients: a guide to client management skills for a more successful practice (ABA, 1996)
Lauchland, K and Le Brun, M Legal Interviewing: Theory, Tactics and Techniques (Australia: Butterworths, 1996)
Millar, R et al Professional Interviewing (Routledge, 1992)
Sherr, A. Client Care for Lawyers (Sweet & Maxwell, 1999)
Twist, H. Effective Interviewing (Blackstone Press, 1992)
Brown, L M The trouble of law school education: a consultation in a microcosm 18 Creighton Law Review 1343 (Winter 1985)
Clay, T and Rairdon, S How to conduct a meeting with a prospective client 65 Michigan Bar Journal 850 (June 1986)
Costanzo, M What seems to be the trouble? 64 Law Institute Journal 696 (August 1990)
Earl, A Conducting the initial interview: rules and red flags 29 Trial 58(5) (April 1993)
Furey, N Legal Interviewing and counselling bibliography 18 Creighton Law Review 1503 (Winter 1985)
Granat, J How to talk to clients 11 Legal Economics 74 (Sept-Oct 1985)
Ghanciock, W Tips on interviewing 5 Corporate Counsel's Quarterly 78 (January 1989)
Morgan, T Thinking about lawyers as counsellors 42 Florida Law Review 439 (July 1990)
Mosten, F Introduction 18 Creighton Law Review 1329 (Winter 1985)
Sherr, A Lawyers and Clients: The First Meeting (1986) MLR 323
Tamsitt, G Teaching Interviewing and Negotiation: the impossible dream? 1 Journal of Professional Legal Education 59 (July 1983)
Tamsitt, G Interviewing and negotiation revisited 5 Journal of Professional Legal Education 177 (December 1987)
Weyrauch, W Foreword Florida Law Review 429 (July 1990)
Zorn, D Some suggestions for successful interviewing in the ABA Client Counselling Competition 18 Creighton Law Review 1443 (Winter 1985)